Agile Games

December 29, 2008 § Leave a comment

The way to a team’s heart is through the games it plays.

I had the pleasure of attending an Agile Edmonton meeting in September on ‘Agile Games’.  Mike McCullough ran the attendees through some exercises to demonstrate and teach agile principles.  We had a blast and enjoyed it immensely.

I took the liberty of presenting one of the exercises to my team.  It is called “What were they thinking?”  The game is designed to teach people that describing a product without an existing model is problematic.

I tweaked the game slightly by using a different picture for the second round.  I wanted to show the difficulties in describing an object which is similar yet different from the one used in the first round.

Give it a try with your team.  It is fun and demonstrates a very important lesson.

Here are the photos I used:


Tank Chair 

Cool Wheels 

If you want to read about this and other agile games, head over to

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